Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Habits, Health, and Happy Little Moments

Habits are strange, I am noticing them more and more as I become more present in my life. So now I am intending to rid myself of a bad habit that I've had since I was in high school. Its not anything weird, but I don't want to mention it because it is just a tiny bit embarassing. It is a nervous habit, that's all, but it is something I am intending to be more aware of so I can stop doing it. It's the kind of habit like biting nails, which is a nervous thing. But it's not that. But like that. Sort of. :-)

Health is a spring-time subject if there every was one. How can we not think of our health and wellness this time of year? New growth, new life, sunshine, blossoms, baby animals, fresh air, la-la-la--you get the idea! Well, I am more aware of my eating habits lately, for one, and have not only cut out the gluten but dairy and caffeine, and sugar is next. BUT, this is not an easy task! I am setting the sugar intention as it is one Habit that is NOT helping my Health.

Having to slooooooooow down is getting to be a theme with me. My last blog had a bit about being made to slow down and finding the gratitude in it. Sometimes I think that the only time we stop and smell the roses is when we have to. Like when we are sick and someone brings you flowers! I've got a cold this week and I feel a bit down about it, but am making the most of it. I did get a lovely bunch of purple tulips from my husband though, made me smile and I smell them every time I go in the kitchen (well, as much as I can smell with a stuffy nose). But why is it that we slow down only when we are made to??? And usually what slows or stops us is something unpleasant. My new goal is to slow down for the GOOD things in life, and today was a good start on that path.

First, my son was running a bit late for preschool. Our internal clock still thinks it's an hour earlier than it is! At the last minute he asked if he could stay for the lunch session so I agreed and then quickly made his lunch. Normally this would annoy me and I'd get grumpy because we'd be even later. But today it didn't bother me. I chose to be in a good mood and just "let things be." On the way there I wasn't rushing the drive, and it's a good thing because some ducks were crossing the road near the preschool (it's near a lake). I was able to stop in plenty of time for them, and we got to watch their cute little duck-butts waddling safely across the road. It was a happy, sweet, spring moment. By the time I got back home the sun was shining and I took the time to do some reading and writing sitting on my front porch. It was one of those "in the moment" mornings, and it was great.

Something happened yesterday that fits my "slowing/stopping" theme, too. I was stopped at an intersection near to my house yesterday morning, as there were several police cars blocking the roads and redirecing traffic. I had gone that route intending to stop to get some gas at a particular station that was still selling theirs for under $3.50(!). Well, I couldn't get in that lane to get there because there had been a car accident. But instead of feeling annoyed I took a deep breath, felt grateful that I was safe, then offered some prayers for those who had been involved. It turns out that one of the cars was driven by a friend of mine. I found this out today when she e-mailed about it. She is doing fine and it seems that during and after the accident she was taken care of by angels. I am so glad...

I think that praying for "strangers" who have been in accidents is one Habit that I will continue. :-)

Keep reaching for the thoughts that feel better!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gratitude, Gasoline, Gluten, Gardening, Growing

Gee oh Gee, the letter G! And what else but a Traffic Light Tree (see the photo)!
I am very grateful right now, I really feel open, peaceful, and dare I say--even a bit joyful???
I practice gratitude a lot, write in a Gratitude Journal, and intend every day to remain in gratitude. Though sometimes I need a reminder...
I had one such reminder the other day when I was getting frustrated driving. I kept hitting red lights, making wrong turns, etc. I didn't feel well and just wanted to get home. I was feeling like I was wasting gas and I was getting mad at myself. So I turned down a side street to avoid some lights and had to slow down for a blind man crossing the road. I realized that I needed to slow down and just feel good about ever darn thing I've got. I got it. I was meant to take that turn, to remind me that I am blessed to just be alive and thriving. To be able to use all of my senses. To have choices. To have the ability to drive. To afford to drive a fuel efficient car. To have freedom to move around the area I live in. I was very grateful for the reminder.
I've been eating a gluten-free diet lately, having had some digestion issues (I wont' go into details) but I feel a little better as a result. I just asked my body what was wrong and I was reminded that I dont' feel as good when I eat lots of wheat things. So I stopped. For now.
I've been working in my garden and it has been so amazingly grounding (literally, huh?). I get what Eckhart Tolle says about flowers, there is such beauty and stillness in every wee bud and blossom. Now if I just didn't get spring allergies!
So, here I am, growing and learning day by day, doing my best, making adjustments, and finding reminders along the way. Reminders like the stop lights, getting indigestion, or the nudges to slow down and smell the flowers (I like that kind the best). :-)

Free-dom, Finances, the Fairer-sex!

(I just LOVE this photo of Bill and Hillary, what a lovely pair of Happy Hairy Hippies!!)

I'm on the letter F today... I feel free, free, free! I am lightening up the load in my head, my thoughts are becoming much less important, I'm judging myself and others less, and relaxing about the "shoulds" in life. So I'm more FREE to be used by the Universe!
(check out the webcast of A New Earth for more on this).

I'm also free in the sense that I am not asking for anything in return (no money down, no interest, no credit check will be done!), just free to be myself, love and be loved. I am feeling free of obligations, which is what happens when someone gives you something free--they expect no payment, just perhaps a Thank You (gratitude rocks!).

This also includes Financial Freedom! I have finally taken control of my spending habits, (only took 39 years!). I had no clue about financial matters growing up so I basically played a type of Russian Roulette with my accounts until I met my husband. I married a smart, semi-frugal man who tried to give me lessons in finances, but I was always hesitant to really face the facts and figures. I did my best, thinking I was clever, shopping at sales, looking for bargains, etc., but I always ended up spending more than I intended. I just felt like money was something I wasn't good at and I was a bit ashamed of it to tell you the truth...

Well, things escaleated and my dear husband ended up feeling like I didn't care about our finances, so I recently set the intention to PROVE to him that I did. AND...Last month I got within 29 cents of our projected budget!!!! I have found a system that allows me to keep track of my family's expenditures and which gives me a huge boost in confidence every time I use it. I will make a video about how I am doing this, but I really wanted to shout out to the Universe about how proud I am now and how I no longer FEAR my finances! Now I finally feel that I am in control of money, not the other way around. Yippee!!!!!!!!

As a member of the Fairer Sex, I now feel free to say that I support Hillary Clinton for President. I am so intensely proud that I have the chance to vote for a sincere, strong, smart woman who I know can lead this country forward. In a spiritual sense I feel that we need a shift towards female leadership of the world. There is nothing wrong with male leadership, but where is the balance in the world, folks? I am not voting for her because I am a woman, but I cannot help but be all the more excited about her because I am! She has made me care about politics, and I've never really felt like this before. Ladies, take a good look at this woman, listen to her heart, ask yourself if this is finally the chance to put your trust in our Fair Sex. It just might be time. :-)

(I stole this from, I wish I could have said it as eloquently as this guy!):

"Take away the propaganda and you have a real human being, yes, believe it or not, Hillary Clinton is human. Like you, Clinton has feelings and she does care about people. Like you and any other American, she’d love to ’save the world’, not destroy it.

Her methods may differ, her policy beliefs might not agree with your own, but that is no reason to close your ears and eyes to all things Hillary. I admire Hillary Clinton for thinking about the poor, the middle class and how Americans might solve real life problems. What we do know is that Hillary Clinton isn’t focusing all of her energy terrorizing American citizens and exploiting troops, God, and country to carry out a political agenda...What I see in Hillary Clinton is a true leader, a strong woman, a progressive Democrat if not a social conservative. I see an independent thinker, a woman not afraid to go against the fray."

Keep reaching for the thoughts that feel better...

Clarissa xxx

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Energy Vampires, Eckhart, and the Ego

Right now, it's all about ENERGY!!! Lately I've been eradicating the Energy drains in my life, and I've also been increasing my energy by adding things that I know will enhance my life (eating better, exercise, and living in the moment). Springtime gives me loads of energy, too, it's the most exciting time of the year to me.

For me, spring is all about the shift into "rebirth" energy. I've been outside gardening and I just love to feel the sun on my bare arms, even when it's still cold. I love seeing plants coming out of the ground and it's going to be a good surprise, as I've forgotten what bulbs I planted! I feel hopeful and fully alive when the sun is out and the breeze is lightly warm. The spring screams out for me to take walks, appreciate the flowers, and clear out the clutter my life. It is telling me to "awaken!"

Noticing that there is clutter to clear, whether it is piles of stuff, to-do lists, or mental clutter, is the first step to shifting the "Energy Vampires" in our lives. You know, those things that "suck our energy" by the fact that we aren't doing them. Just notice them. NO JUDGEMENT HERE!!! If we start feeling like we "SHOULD" be doing stuff that we aren't doing it will only suck our energy more. I have been tackling my own Energy Vampires lately, cutting out foods that were making me sluggish, cleaning out cupboards, and filling up my recycling bins. Getting rid of piles of things really gives me a buzz...

I'm into Eckhart Tolle's books (and watched the "A New Earth" teleclass last night) and I am already feeling some shifting going on! I can tell that I am judging my actions a lot less, letting myself be happy whatever I am doing. I have stopped telling myself that I should be doing something other than what I am doing, which has been a long-term issue for me. So that's pretty darn big! One of the people who talked to Eckhart apoke of feeling guilty for not doing something. He told her not to judge her thoughts on the subject, just observe them and then decide what she'd do in the future. We can "do or not do" something, but let go of the guilt whatever we decide. And then decide. Otherwise the ego is going to have a field day making us feel that no matter what we do it isn't good enough.

So, those Energy Vampires have got to go! So does the notion that we should be tackling all of those undone things. I'd say to do what you can each day to clear the clutter and let the good feelings you get build the momentum to tackle more.

Keep Reaching for the thoughts that feel better!!