Right now, it's all about ENERGY!!! Lately I've been eradicating the Energy drains in my life, and I've also been increasing my energy by adding things that I know will enhance my life (eating better, exercise, and living in the moment). Springtime gives me loads of energy, too, it's the most exciting time of the year to me.
For me, spring is all about the shift into "rebirth" energy. I've been outside gardening and I just love to feel the sun on my bare arms, even when it's still cold. I love seeing plants coming out of the ground and it's going to be a good surprise, as I've forgotten what bulbs I planted! I feel hopeful and fully alive when the sun is out and the breeze is lightly warm. The spring screams out for me to take walks, appreciate the flowers, and clear out the clutter my life. It is telling me to "awaken!"
Noticing that there is clutter to clear, whether it is piles of stuff, to-do lists, or mental clutter, is the first step to shifting the "Energy Vampires" in our lives. You know, those things that "suck our energy" by the fact that we aren't doing them. Just notice them. NO JUDGEMENT HERE!!! If we start feeling like we "SHOULD" be doing stuff that we aren't doing it will only suck our energy more. I have been tackling my own Energy Vampires lately, cutting out foods that were making me sluggish, cleaning out cupboards, and filling up my recycling bins. Getting rid of piles of things really gives me a buzz...
I'm into Eckhart Tolle's books (and watched the "A New Earth" teleclass last night) and I am already feeling some shifting going on! I can tell that I am judging my actions a lot less, letting myself be happy whatever I am doing. I have stopped telling myself that I should be doing something other than what I am doing, which has been a long-term issue for me. So that's pretty darn big! One of the people who talked to Eckhart apoke of feeling guilty for not doing something. He told her not to judge her thoughts on the subject, just observe them and then decide what she'd do in the future. We can "do or not do" something, but let go of the guilt whatever we decide. And then decide. Otherwise the ego is going to have a field day making us feel that no matter what we do it isn't good enough.
So, those Energy Vampires have got to go! So does the notion that we should be tackling all of those undone things. I'd say to do what you can each day to clear the clutter and let the good feelings you get build the momentum to tackle more.
Keep Reaching for the thoughts that feel better!!
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