"Sweet Dreams 'til sun beams find you,
Sweet Dreams that leave our worries behind you.
But in your Dreams Whatever they be...
Dream a little dream of me."
Gorgeous song by the Mama's and Papa's, it went through my head today while I was thinking about how my Dreams are manifesting. What I mean is that I am Dreaming of "ME" again, letting my dreams come back to me, things that I've dreamed of all of my life, the things that my heart dreams. I've been ignoring them for too long, making excuses, and playing my roles in life (can you tell I've been reading "The New Earth?").
I have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
inspired lately by my fellow Co-Creators and now I'm
ready to state what my dreams really are (you are like, "Finally!!"). Well I have to say a big thanks to Megan (jewelchic) for being inspirational across the board, for showing me what it means for a woman to shine (like a jewel?) and to be fully herself. Love you Megan!! And I was inspired by Sharee for her "Dream your dreams, and let them go" statement in one of her vlogs I had been thinking that my dreams couldn't be spoken out until I figured out how they will manifest! WHAT??!! I am all about the "Don't worry about the how" so how is it that my thoughts just went on like that unopposed???? Well, I am monitoring those thoughts now, and challenging them when they don't feel good... And also thanks to Sharee (and others) for sharing her "I am" statements, they've really got me thinking!!!
I am also inspired by fellow Challengers like Antonio and Taragh (among others!) who are very expressive--don't we just love watching their videos??? I have been asking myself lately why I am not more creatively expressive, when I am a trained actor, love creative projects, used to write and direct plays, etc. and I am NOT doing any of that these days. It hadn't occurred to me to let my lights shine out on a daily basis, but I can see that doing the Vlogs is a great way to do just that.
More?? Yes, there's more! I have been watching some great TV dramas lately, like the Jane Austen stuff on PBS (Sunday nights). I just LOVE Jane Austen (I've even been to her cottage), LOVE Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth was so lovely in Pride and Prejudice, that I named my son after him! Yes, I'm a dork!). I also watched the Oscars this week, even though I didn't watch any of the nominated films. I just really love films and the whole film-making process is fascinating to me. I realized that I had forgotten just how much I love to watch movies, especially great dramas, and I haven't let myself do that for a long time. And watching them makes me want to do some acting, I really REALLY want to do some acting!!!
I intend to do some acting in the near future. There, I said it!
There are lots more Dreams I intend to manifest, and I am making a video today, Day 50 of my 4th 100 Day Challenge. I am going to get them out there, make them known, and stop hiding behind the "But I don't know HOW that will manifest." I suppose it's just an excuse after all.
Dream your dreams and let them go!!
Clarissa xxx
"It is because humanity has never known where it was going
that it has been able to find its way"
Oscar Wilde
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